Manage the delivery of quality assurance support to all Departments, including management processes, products and services, that provide reasonable assurance that...
The successful candidate will take on ground stations system engineering responsibilities for the development and upgrade of our ground stations in line with the organisation’s...
You will be responsible for, and contribute to, the flight dynamics and mission analysis aspects of system development and operations preparation, validation and routine operations...
The role involves developing and maintaining critical tools for debris mitigation, space safety, and re-entry forecasting, contributing to ESA’s Space Safety Program and...
Mission commissioning operations activities, focus on Biomass TCS/EPS/RF engineering services, with the possibility to provide cross support to other Earth Explorer missions...
Front-End Development: Build and maintain user interfaces to ensure exceptional user experiences; Deliver responsive, interactive, and visually appealing applications...
Design, implement, and maintain high-quality, scalable web and mobile applications, focusing on delivering robust user interfaces and seamless user experiences; Implement state...
Implement backend applications, focusing on designing and developing robust systems; Develop endpoints or services for efficient data retrieval and communication; Ensure modular...
Managing, planning and executing all EPS-Sterna operation preparations activities, to cover system, space and ground segment aspects, preparing the EPS-Sterna operations until...
Management of the EPS-Sterna Mission Control Operations (MCO) sub-segment, ensuring an overall coherence of the MCO architecture with system architecture and with the common...
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See the Space-Careers list of vacancy and information pages of Ground systems, Software and Equipment.