Test and Quality Assurance Engineer jobs in Belgium (12), Bulgaria (6), Czech Republic (1), Finland (1), France (11), Germany (13), Greece (3), Hungary (1), Italy (10), Luxembourg (3), Multiple Countries (2), Netherlands (2), Poland (2), Portugal (4), Slovenia (1), Spain (7), Sweden (2), Switzerland (4) and United Kingdom (11).
You will efficiently implement the ground systems and TT&C infrastructure for SES GEO/MEO satellites, leading cross-departmental teams to design/provide ground systems for the next...
Responsible for designing, developing and testing Embedded Software (Firmware), platforms and systems that control and runs on devices that need to be tailored to the needs of the...
Manage and lead day to day operations of the SI&T Lab in the White City office to ensure optimal performance, reliability, access and uptime; Cross team collaboration to maintain...
You will be involved in the design, verification and validation, including launch and on-orbit operations of the various D-Orbit spacecraft platforms. As AIV engineer, your main...
The PA Officer is involved in the definition, design, engineering and execution of all Product Assurance activities. Contribution to the planning, implementation and management of...
The successful candidate will take on ground stations system engineering responsibilities for the development and upgrade of our ground stations in line with the organisation’s...
You will play a pivotal role in leading the system engineering project from A to Z and ensuring the team's interaction. You will translate the customer's technical requirements...
Support the development and delivery of a key subsystem for the world’s first space based gravitational wave observatory. Core to the role is ensuring that the project...
You will be responsible for, and contribute to, the flight dynamics and mission analysis aspects of system development and operations preparation, validation and routine operations...
Assist in security research, vulnerability assessments and penetration testing; Contribute to the documentation of the findings and report writing; Participate in exploit...
The selected candidate will be responsible for supporting the development and validation of the Operational Concept for the Ground Control Segment of the satellite constellation,...
The right candidate will coordinate and review design, development, and testing activities for space applications, more specifically regarding avionics systems for...
You will be responsible for designing and analyzing thermal management systems for high-thrust rocket engines. You will ensure that components and systems can withstand and operate...
As the Spacecraft Mission Operations Lead, you will be at the forefront of our space assets operations, leading a dedicated team of spacecraft operators. You will plan and...
You will lead designing and implementing attitude and orbit control solutions for satellites across various missions. Utilizing your expertise, you will be key in ensuring our...
Lead requirements management for a given mission or program - including development, validation, verification, and change management. Lead technical risk management for a given...
Synthesize specifications from industry best practice, performance requirements, environmental requirements and concept of operations; Perform preliminary design to validate...
Development of electronics for spacecraft sub-systems as part of an interdisciplinary team; Component selection, circuit-level design, and simulation; Schematic capture and PCB...
You will be responsible for designing and manufacturing the Motus Propulsion System (MPS) including the feed system, valves, thrust chamber, injector, and ignition subsystem. You...
Lead our hardware team focusing on our communication systems, related to our antennas and radios, crucial for the performance of our satellite missions. This role requires robust...
Design, implement, and maintain high-quality, scalable web and mobile applications, focusing on delivering robust user interfaces and seamless user experiences; Implement state...
Support to define and procure EGSE components, writing specifications and to follow the EGSE supplier; Write EGSE documentation (e.g. design and development plan, installation and...
This will be a broad role covering design support, analysis and compliance finding. In this position, you will interface and work with all other engineering groups, including...
In this role you will be responsible for qualification testing for performance verification and validation, product reliability testing and certification aspects of all satellite...
As a key member of our Avionics Team, you'll play a vital role in designing, procuring, and integrating power subsystems for our current spacecraft projects. You will also have the...
Lead the analysis, design, and specification of SES’s Next Generation Teleport Communications Systems, Ground Monitoring & Control Systems, and any ground system that SES needs...
Design of Analog and Digital electronic systems for space applications. Product lines include laser communication, attitude control systems, reaction wheels, star trackers, sun...
Support subsystem development with a multidisciplinary team of flight software/FPGA developers and mechanical/thermal engineers (to ensure design is compatible with space...
In this role, you will be responsible for the mechanical design of advanced propulsion systems and their subcomponents, tackling complex challenges where structures and components...
Managing, planning and executing all EPS-Sterna operation preparations activities, to cover system, space and ground segment aspects, preparing the EPS-Sterna operations until...
This role has a good blend of technical, management and strategic development, and requires close working with the other Optical Payload Teams (Optical Mechanical, Optical AIV...
You will lead the development of space architecture concepts, sub-system design, payload design, requirements development, analysis and decomposition, high-level software and...
Develop and implement product assurance policies and procedures within the company and ensure compliance with applicable space industry standards, customer specifications and...
In this role, you will be responsible for the design, development, testing, automation and maintenance of satellite communication terminals used by end-users. This role is an...
Management of the EPS-Sterna Mission Control Operations (MCO) sub-segment, ensuring an overall coherence of the MCO architecture with system architecture and with the common...
EuroTechJobs is the job board for software, hardware and tech jobs all over Europe for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies. Jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and more. Find jobs as a C++, C#, Java, PHP or Python developer, using SQL, Oracle, Linux, Unix, telecoms, or as business analyst, hardware engineer, project manager, sys admin, or test analyst.
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EuroEngineerJobs is the job board for specialist engineering jobs all over Europe. We have engineer jobs for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies in Europe. Engineer jobs in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK and more. Jobs in Europe for electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, biomedical engineers, chemical engineers, civil engineers, industrial engineers and mining engineers.