Design and authentication of data and signals for navigation services. Participation in research and development projects on satellite navigation systems such as EGNOS and GALILEO...
You will be involved in the design, verification and validation, including launch and on-orbit operations of the various D-Orbit spacecraft platforms. As AIV engineer, your main...
The role focuses on specialized technical/engineering support services for development, feasibility analysis, concept design and de-risking of Defense acquisition programs....
The right candidate will coordinate and review design, development, and testing activities for space applications, more specifically regarding avionics systems for...
EuroTechJobs is the job board for software, hardware and tech jobs all over Europe for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies. Jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, UK and more. Find jobs as a C++, C#, Java, PHP or Python developer, using SQL, Oracle, Linux, Unix, telecoms, or as business analyst, hardware engineer, project manager, sys admin, or test analyst.
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