Responsible for specifying, designing, overseeing and certifying the correct performance of ALL.SPACE’s satellite communication terminals. Work with Product Management to...
Lead requirements management for a given mission or program - including development, validation, verification, and change management. Lead technical risk management for a given...
In this role you will be responsible for qualification testing for performance verification and validation, product reliability testing and certification aspects of all satellite...
As a key member of our Avionics Team, you'll play a vital role in designing, procuring, and integrating power subsystems for our current spacecraft projects. You will also have the...
This role has a good blend of technical, management and strategic development, and requires close working with the other Optical Payload Teams (Optical Mechanical, Optical AIV...
You will lead the development of space architecture concepts, sub-system design, payload design, requirements development, analysis and decomposition, high-level software and...
Provide power subsystem engineering, both high level architecture and detailed electronics design, from specification to integration. Contribute to detailed power electronics...
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