The successful candidate will have a deep understanding of electrical aerospace design, systems integration, and component selection and will work closely with other members...
The selected individual will work on various small satellite missions within the Space Missions area of the company, specifically within the System Engineering group. This area is...
You will be involved in the design, preparation, and execution of operations for satellites and payloads. This will include working with the actual satellites and payloads...
Provide direct support to the Systems Testing Department, fulfilling the following responsibilities and support activities. Analyze data obtained during the testing phase and...
EuroEngineerJobs is the job board for specialist engineering jobs all over Europe. We have engineer jobs for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies in Europe. Engineer jobs in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK and more. Jobs in Europe for electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, biomedical engineers, chemical engineers, civil engineers, industrial engineers and mining engineers.
See the Space-Careers list of vacancy and information pages of Satellite Manufacturers and Subcontractors..